Become a Coach for the ICF Wisconsin Ignite Program

ICF Wisconsin Chapter is offering no cost individual coaching to a small group of non-profit leaders. This opportunity is made possible through the generous donation of services from ICF Wisconsin coaches.
Who are the Coaches That Participate?
The Coaches who are eligible to participate in this chapter project are members of ICF Wisconsin and credentialed as either Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC) or Master Certified Coaches (MCC).
As a Volunteer Coach you will Offer:
• 6 confidential coaching sessions with an ICF WI coach, held over Zoom or other video platforms, at mutually agreed upon dates and times.
• Sessions range between 45-60 minutes each, not to exceed a 6-month period.
• Goals for coaching are determined by the Client.
• The terms of any coaching beyond the coaching initial program offering will be negotiated between the Coach and Client at their discretion.
• The Coaching Program Offer is valued at approximately $3000.
How to Apply:
If you are an ICF Wisconsin member who is credentialed and want to offer your coaching services for Ignite, here is how to apply...
Apply Now